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                ABOUT US
                Suzhou Yaruida Material Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2013, specializing in the research and development and production of various new facing materials such as refractory board, ice-fire board, medical clean board, inorganic pre-coated board, sound-absorbing decorative board, antibacterial board and so on. We have established domestic advanced standardized production bases in Anhui and Hebei. Yaruida is deeply rooted in the international and domestic markets, and its products are sold at home and abroad. Yaruida (Suzhou) Material Technology Co., Ltd., Yaruida (Hefei) Decorative Building Materials Co., Ltd., and Yada (Shijiazhuang) Decorative Building Materials Co., Ltd. have been established successively. Relying on a professional team and advanced product technology, the company has made major breakthroughs in the hot pressing technology of various decorative panels such as ice-fire board and refractory board. The use of the product is not subject to any geographical restrictions, and truly achieves fireproof A-level environmental protection E0 waterproof and moisture-proof It has high antibacterial and antibacterial strength and no deformation. It is widely used in various places such as hospital clean workshops, hotels, commercial spaces, schools, tunnels, etc. The company adheres to the business philosophy of "people-oriented, honest management, pioneering and innovative" to create value for customers and create benefits for partners. Employees create future and create wealth for the society.